Foot Focus Podiatry

Mon - Fri : 08:30 - 5:30   |
08 9258 4152 |
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Our Podiatry Team

The Foot Focus team of  Perth Podiatrists work closely together and participate in weekly in-house case discussions and personal development training to ensure each podiatrist is providing the highest level of care to you – our patient.
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Brent Radford

BSc (Pod) (Distinction) MA Pod A

Brent genuinely enjoys podiatry and treating all ages. He has a special interest in biomechanics (the movement of your body) and has completed additional courses in advanced orthotic therapy, joint mobilisation…

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Gabrielle H Tan


Gaby graduated from the University of Western Australia in 2011 after completing her degree in the Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine, and in 2016 completed her Masters in Public Health. Since graduating, she has worked as a Podiatrist both in the public and private health sectors …

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Devin Nugraha

BSc (H.Biol Pre-Clin), B Pod M, MA Pod A

Devin is a very friendly, caring podiatrist with prior qualifications in Human Biology (Pre-Clinical). He enjoys all aspects of podiatry and has particular interests in biomechanics and paediatrics. He works well with all ages…

foot focus podiatry david

David Survepalli

D.Pod (UWA), B.Pod Hon, MPhil Hon (Pod), BSc (Biochem), FFPM RCPS (Glasgow), FRCPodM (UK)

David qualified as a podiatrist in 2006 (with honours) in New Zealand. Prior to this he completed his Masters in Podiatry as well as his Biochemistry degree (again with honours)…

Christine Manalip foot focus

Christine Manalip

B Pod M (UWA)

Christine graduated from the University of Western Australian with a Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine degree in 2014. Christine enjoys all aspects of Podiatry, with a particular interest for people with high-risk conditions …

Cheryl Chong foot focus podaitry

Cheryl Chong

D Pod M (UWA); B Biomed Sc (UWA)

Cheryl is a dedicated and compassionate podiatrist who graduated with a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from the University of Western Australia in 2023. She also holds a Bachelor of Medical Sciences which she obtained in 2021.

Members of the Foot Focus team also attend a bi-monthly Podiatry special interest group to learn from and contribute their knowledge with other keen podiatrists.

Podiatric Surgeon (Foot Surgeon)

Reza Naraghi


Reza is a registered specialist Podiatric Surgeon (Foot Surgeon) who has over 20 years experience in dealing with all aspects of foot deformities. Dr Naraghi is also trained to treat all conditions conservatively and makes sure you have exhausted all conservative care.

Our Reception Team

Sarah, Practice Manager

Sarah Stephens

Dedicated to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for both patients and staff. With a strong background in patient care, she is passionate about ensuring exceptional experiences for all who visit our practice. In her role, Sarah supports our podiatrists in delivering excellent care, and oversees the management of all NDIS patients and Home Care Packages.

Jane, Receptionist

Jane Peirce

One of our fabulous reception staff who has been with us for over 8 years. She is passionate about delivering high quality care to our patients and supporting our podiatrists.

Lucy, Receptionist

Lucy Gullaci

One of our amazing receptionists who has been with us since 2022. She is dedicated and excited to provide excellent patient care and support our team of podiatrists.

Alex, Receptionist

Alex Verkerk

An exceptional newer member to our team. Alex is working with us while studying Occupational Therapy. We are thrilled to have her as an enthusiastic, very capable receptionist, and team support.