Foot Focus Podiatry

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David Survepalli

D.Pod (UWA),  B.Pod Hons, M.Phil Hons (Pod), B.Sc (Biochem), FFPM RCPS (Glasgow), FRCPodM (UK)

David qualified as a podiatrist (with honours) in 2006 from AUT University, New Zealand. He later completed a Master of Philosophy (Honours) in Biomechanics and Rheumatology. The topic of the thesis was foot and ankle characteristics in chronic gout. Using pressure analysis (Tekscan) and gaitmat plantar pressures and temporospatial parameters were compared between the two groups.

He recently completed, Doctor of Podiatry degree from UWA investigating lower limb mechanics in individuals with venous insufficiency using 3-dimensional gait analysis. He is a fellow of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow) and Royal College of Podiatry (UK). He has recently been endorsed by Podiatry Board of Australia to be able to prescribe a range of medications for the treatment of foot and ankle conditions.

David’s passion and interest areas are:

  • Biomechanics and how the lower limb from the feet to the back is inter-related.
  • Treating and managing high risk patients (diabetes and poor circulation). He has extensive experience working at various hospitals including wound care and diabetic foot ulcer management clinics.
  • Falls prevention – he has completed further studies in this area
  • Ankle sprain rehabilitation.

He enjoys treating all ages, from weekend warriors to the elderly.

David uses techniques unique to a podiatrist to assist with heel and forefoot pain, ankle instability, knee pain, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and flat feet etc.

When not checking his patient’s foot health David enjoys spending time with his family and gardening.

David is fluent in English, Hindi and Telugu.


  • Rome K, Survepalli D, Sanders A, Lobo M, McQueen F, McNair P, Dalbeth N. Functional and biomechanical characteristics of foot disease in chronic gout: a case-control study. 2010. Clinical Biomechanics
  • Rome K, Survepalli D, Sanders A, Lobo M, McQueen F, McNair P, Dalbeth N. Evaluating intra-tester reliability of manual masking in plantar pressure measurements associated with chronic gout. JAPMA. 2011
  • Rome K, Survepalli D, Sanders A, Lobo M, McQueen F, McNair P, Dalbeth N. Intra-tester reliability of gait and pressure characteristics in chronic gout. JAPMA. 2010.
  • Dalbeth N, Doyle A, Boyer L, Rome K, Survepalli D, Sanders A, Sheehan T, Lobo M, Gamble G and M. McQueen F. Development of a computed tomography (CT) method of scoring bone erosion in patients with gout: validation and clinical implications. Rheumatology RHE-10-0826
  • Survepalli D, Rome K, Sanders A, Lobo M, McQueen F, McNair P, Dalbeth N. Structural and Functional Characteristics of Foot and Ankle in individuals with Chronic Gout: NZL Podiatry conference. 2010.
  • Rome K, Survepalli D, Sanders A, Lobo M, McQueen F, McNair P, Dalbeth N. Impact of Chronic Gout on Foot Function: A Case Controlled Study. Rheumatology Conference. 2009.
  • Survepalli.D. Sagittal Plane Mechanics of Lower Limb in Venous Insufficiency. Centennial Conference 2023. Faculty of Podiatric Medicine Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow.

Thesis Publications

  • Honours thesis: Foot and ankle characteristics in individuals with different body mass indices.
  • M.Phil Thesis: Foot and ankle characteristics in individuals with chronic gout.
  • D.Pod Thesis: Kinetics and kinematics of lower limb in individuals with chronic venous insufficiency. A case controlled study.