Hammer Toes Surgery/ Treatment in Perth
Do you suffer from painful toes, bent or curly toes, or just can’t fit into your favorite shoes? Please read how we can help you.
A Hammer toe (claw toe) is a term used to describe a crooked, deviated or contracted toe. Hammertoes usually start out as mild deformities and get progressively worse over time. In the earlier stages, hammertoes are flexible and the symptoms can often be managed with non-invasive measures or in case of surgery with minimum incision surgeries. Conservative treatments include, changing your shoes, using forefoot products designed to relieve pain, such as hammertoe props or toe splints, and physical therapy. These devices help to hold the toe down in a straight position and provide relief to the forefoot. Gel toe shields and gel toe caps are also recommended to eliminate friction between the shoe and the toe while providing comfort and lubrication.
Surgery is an option when all conservative treatments have failed. The procedure chosen depends on the stage and extent of the deformity. In selecting the procedure or combination of procedures for your particular case, Dr Reza Naraghi, our podiatric surgeon, will consider the extent of the deformity, your age, activity level and other factors. The recovery period varies depending on the procedure necessary. All this will be discussed with you in detail during your pre-operative consultation.
Dr. Reza Naraghi recently presented this presentation to the Podiatry WA association regarding the general overview of the various digital toe deformities with a particular focus on flexor tenotomy procedures. Please click here for this presentation.
Images of Hammertoe Surgery:
Pre-surgery and post-surgery for overlapping 5th toe:
Pre-surgery and 2 weeks post-surgery 2nd Metatarsal Shortening and Plantar Plate Repair:
2nd hammertoe with dorsal corn