Podiatry Foot Surgeon in Perth
Reza Naraghi BSc DPM, PhD, FFPM RCPS(Glasg)
Dr Reza Naraghi is a specialist podiatric surgeon in Perth (foot surgeon) and a member of the Fellow Australian Association of Podiatrist Foot Surgeons in Perth. He has over 19 years’ experience in performing various feet surgery procedures. Podiatry is devoted to the study, diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle and lower extremities. Reza’s experience and studies allow him to have a greater depth of knowledge and understanding when dealing with structural issues of the feet and common podiatry complaints that require a surgical opinion. Reza has completed various research papers (PHD) regarding Bunions (Hallux Valgus), Morton’s Neuroma and Verrucaes (Warts).
Dr Naraghi practices all aspects of podiatry and is knowledgeable about all approaches to your foot and ankle problems. This enables him to consult with you about non-surgical approaches prior to any foot surgery in Perth. We have been privileged to have Reza work at Foot Focus Podiatry in Perth since 2007. Foot Focus Podiatry prides itself on being able to offer the full spectrum of podiatry from all conservative to foot surgery treatment options.
Foot surgery has markedly improved over recent years. Modern techniques are utilized enabling pain to be completely controlled in most cases with positive long-term results.
A referral is not required to obtain a surgical opinion from our podiatric surgeon and consult appointments are currently available at:
Feet Surgery at Foot Focus Podiatry in Perth for:
Where conservative treatment has failed for ingrown toenails and wart treatment then foot surgery can be performed in the rooms at Foot Focus in Perth. Surgery for ingrown toenails and warts can be performed on your initial appointment if pre-arranged.
Other foot surgical consultations:
- Bunion/ Tailor’s bunion
- Hammertoe
- Claw toe
- Stiff big toe – Hallux Limitus or Hallux Rigidus
- Morton’s neuroma (nerve) – interdigital neuritis/fibrosis
- Painful bumps / Haglund’s deformity
- Flat foot / Cavus Foot
- Fractures and dislocations