Foot Focus Podiatry

Mon - Fri : 08:30 - 5:30   |
08 9258 4152 |
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Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are small cracks in the bone caused by repetitive stress from an external force.

Common causes for stress fractures include:

  • Sudden increase/change in activities such as exercise routines
  • Bone insufficiencies. E.g. Osteoporosis
  • Poor Conditioning
  • Incorrect techniques
  • Wrong equipment E.g. wearing shoes that area worn out.


  • Pain that decreases with rest
  • Pain that occurs and increases during normal weight bearing activities
  • Tenderness at site of fracture
  • Bruising


Treatment for stress fractures involve resting in order for the bones to heal on their own. Braces, splints or casts may be necessary depending on the location and the severity of the fracture.

If you suspect you may have a stress fracture anywhere in your ankle or foot, please visit Foot focus Podiatry in Perth by calling 9258 4152 or booking online.