Foot Focus Podiatry

Mon - Fri : 08:30 - 5:30   |
08 9258 4152 |
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Bowen Therapy in Perth at Foot Focus

What is Bowen TherapyTanya-2019 Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that is done through loose-fitting clothing and normally on a Massage Table.

Through a series of cross fiber moves, Bowen Therapy releases the gluing of the Fascia allowing the connective tissue to become moveable through hydration. With improved hydration of the Fascia, toxins can be removed and nutrients are supplied to your cells. Thus having a natural homeostasis balance on your body enabling muscles, tendons, and also your nervous, hormone, lymphatic & vascular systems to function effectively.

(Fascia is Connective Tissue that is found throughout the body, it is found immediately under the skin and it surrounds every muscle, tendon, bone, and organ in the body.)

Before treatment, it is ideal to sip a least 2 glasses of water and then after your treatment continue to sip another 6-8 glasses of water, also avoid sitting longer than 20 minutes, avoid hot showers/baths, and don’t do any heavy lifting.

How does Bowen Therapy work?

Through a series of selectively placed transverse muscle-fiber moves to stimulate the soft tissue (fascia) found between the muscles and skin. The effect creates a window of opportunity for the fascia to become re-hydrated which in turn assists the structures housed with this tissue. These structures include nerves, muscles, lymph, vascular structures, and organs. Improved function in these structures leads to improved general health.

Bowen Therapy may help:

  • Arthritic symptoms,
  • RSI,
  • Migraines,
  • Back pain,
  • Breast pain,
  • Neck restriction,
  • Bunions,
  • Sciatica,
  • Colic in infants,
  • Sinus congestion,
  • Frozen shoulder,
  • Sports injury,
  • Hay fever,
  • Sprains/strains,
  • Headaches,
  • Stress/tension,
  • Joint injury,
  • Menstrual irregularities & pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Tendonitis
  • Headaches
  • Bronchial Symptoms

Tanya Pfitzner holds qualifications in Bowen Therapy & Reflexology; she has been operating her private practice since November 1999 in between having a family.

After completing the Practitioner level in Fascial Kinetics and having such amazing results she continued on to complete other modalities to compliment Bowen Therapy such as Emmett Technique, Nerve Dynamics, Hormonal Dynamics, and Happy Feet.

Tanya is the Principal of Fascial Kinetics International and instructs Bowen Therapy through the Bowen School of WA.

Registered Member of the Bowen Therapist Federation of Australian.