Foot Focus Podiatry

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Walking is something we must do to move. Did you know people over 18 years old usually walk around 4,000 – 18,000 steps per day?

Some of you might walk less than that. But I believe and you may have heard about the suggestion about walking 10,000 steps per day to gain health benefits.

But the question is, should you? Is there any benefit you can gain by walking?

Walking Benefits

While it seems like the most accessible sport ever, walking offers various health benefits such as reducing risks of:

  • cardiovascular disease
  • stroke
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • depression


10,000 steps

According to Prof David Bassett from the University of Tennessee, walking 10,000 steps a day doesn’t have any evidence for spectacular healthy benefits or a cure it all. It just felt like a number that was indicative of an active lifestyle.

However, a research team at Kyushu University concluded that people who walk 10,000 steps a day could decrease the risk of coronary artery disease.

Which makes sense because it correlates to approximately 30 minutes of daily exercise that has been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

However, this doesn’t mean you have to walk these exact numbers. Until now, there hasn’t been a study that tests various numbers like 8,000 or 12,000.

What we can know for sure is that the more effort you give, the more benefit you gain. So if you think you can do it, then go for it.

But, if you have any specific chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, or any leg injuries, you should consult with your doctor and podiatrist first. Because making a rapid jump to 10,000 could lead to adverse consequences, which we don’t want.

How Many Steps We Should Walk

Research from Tudor-Locke has shown that if we wanted to follow the health guidelines of 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, you should walk at least 7,500 steps.

Now, after knowing all the benefits you can gain just by walking around I believe you can’t wait to go outside the house and start walking.

But preparation should be made so that you can optimize the way you walk. One of the things you can do for your feet is to prioritize comfort. And you can do that by using podiatrist insoles or orthotics (also referred to as shoe inserts; shoe insoles; arch supports).

Introduction to Podiatrist Insoles / Orthotics

Podiatrist insoles, or also known as orthotic insoles, is used when you need extra cushioning. The purpose is for arch support, especially for those who suffer from foot pain. You can simply slip it into your shoes for added comfort.

There are two types of podiatrist insoles: factory-made and custom-designed insoles. While the factory-made (off the shelf) follow the usual size guidelines of foot size, custom-designed podiatrist insoles are specifically made to give you the perfect fit, which is usually the reason why it is more expensive than the factory-made.

Custom designed podiatrists’ insoles are also known as prescription insoles / orthotics because podiatrists make them. Only a licensed podiatrist, orthotics in Perth can prescribe them by taking a cast (custom mould of your feet). They are trained in lower body anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, and the actual fabrication of custom foot orthoses.

They are prescription medical devices that you wear inside the shoes to correct biomechanical foot issues such as walking, standing, and running problems.

Factory-made insoles / orthotics or known as ready to wear insoles are insoles that you can buy in stores without a prescription can provide cushioning and support. They are made of materials like gel, plastic, or foam.

It is still important that you see a podiatrist to make sure factory-made insoles / orthotics are sufficient to correct your foot problems.  Where necessary our podiatrists will add various wedging and padding to make them semi-customised to your feet.

Because if it is improperly prescribed, they can lead to pain and discomfort, and even cause serious injury.

Dr. Positano, a foot and ankle specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery, explains, “When indicated and prescribed correctly, they are beneficial to the user. When unnecessary or prescribed incorrectly, they can be dangerous.”

The patient has to be measured by the podiatrist in Perth. A full biomechanical examination is also necessary before making the impression of the foot.

But don’t worry because the latest off the shelf insoles offers various styles and size.  Let one of our podiatrists choose which is most suited to your foot function and activity.

Podiatrist Insoles Benefits

Podiatrist insoles provide support and realignment for the feet.

According to Dr. Positano, it can be used to stabilize a joint, reduce pain, prevent deformity, provide better positioning, or improve the biomechanical function of the foot.

It is known to help relieve the pain for people who suffer from foot pain like heel spursplantar fasciitisankle instability, arthritis, or have special conditions like walking imbalances.

It is also suggested to wear insoles to help with pain and inflammation in the kneeships, and lower back.

Dr. Jim Christina from American Podiatric Medical Association said that 80-85% of patients who use custom orthotics get relief from their symptoms.

Podiatrist Insoles Types

According to, there are several types of podiatrist insoles.

  • Made from plastic or carbon fiber. Used for walking shoes, dress shoes. Designed to ease foot aches and strains
  • Made from soft compression materials. Provide cushioning for specific conditions.

How Do Podiatrist Insoles Work

They work by reducing or removing pressure and stress from painful areas in the foot and ankle by bringing your feet back into proper alignment.

Orthotics alter the way a person walks, stands, and absorbs shock from the ground.

It is designed to align your foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position.

Why You Should Use Podiatrist Insoles

If you have severe foot pain like plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, arthritis, diabetesneuroma, capsulitis, and tendonitis, you should consider wearing podiatrists insoles.

For example, people with diabetes often benefit from custom insoles because their disease usually interferes with circulation in the feet. People with arthritis have problems with foot joints that might be helped by wearing insoles.

Or even if you don’t, you can use it for added support so you can walk or run with ease.

Whether you are a runner or an avid exerciser, as long as you wear your podiatrist insoles, you will get more benefits.

How To Get The Right Podiatrist Insoles

  1. Know what the purpose of the insoles is

Are you looking for preventive use? Curative purpose? If you are looking to treat some specific foot pain, it is better to get a custom made insoles, especially made just for you. Custom podiatrist insoles have excellent arch support and also provide superior shock absorption. In other words, they are super comfortable. But on the other side, it is more expensive. If you are looking to prevent foot pain, then it’s okay to buy ready to wear insoles.

  1. Know what shoes you will placed the insoles

Are you going to wear athletic shoes? Or are you going to wear dress shoes or even high heels? Some brands offer ready to wear insoles with specific purposes. There are even insoles that can be worn in ballet flats or lower profile shoe types.

  1. Set your budget

Custom podiatrist insoles have excellent arch support and also provide superior shock absorption. In other words, they are super comfortable. But on the other side, it is more expensive.

If you are willing to pay more for comfort, then you should go for custom made insoles. But if you prefer more affordable insoles, go with the ready to made insoles.

  1. Watch the details

Some brands come with a wide variety of styles based on gender, activity, degree of cushioning, and metatarsal support.

Tips To Pick Insoles

A suitable insole should provide a supportive mixture of hard and soft structures that work together to reshape the alignment of your feed. Thinner insoles don’t mean it’s always better.

Insoles also have a breaking in period, that’s why you might not get the instant comfort right out of the box.

Insoles work like braces for your teeth. You have to apply pressure to specific areas to move them into the correct position.

People with medical conditions such as foot painhammertoesbunionsarch/heel pain, leg/knee pain, hip pain, back pain, or neck pain should consider using custom podiatrist insoles to get the maximum result and proper alignment.

Embrace the Walk and Wear Podiatrist Insoles

Walking has so many health benefits it could offer to our body. Want to add more steps to your daily routine? You can start small by walking to the nearest coffee shop, bookstore, or grocery store rather than using a car. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or even park your car further away so you have to walk more.

  • Winograd procedure- This procedure will be done in hospital setting under local and or general anaesthesia and it is reserved upon failure of the phenolization or if there is significant amount of skin overlapping the nail with soft tissue growth. This procedure involves removing a portion of the skin along with the nail down to the level of the bone. Sutures (stitches) will be applied to close the surgical site. The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes to be performed and your foot will be bandaged. You will be seen within first 5 days and then the sutures will be removed in 10-14 days. Currently this procedure can only be performed by Reza Naraghi (podiatric surgeon).  He will prescribe appropriate pain medication for your post-operative pain management. You will be in open sandal and or post op shoe for 2 weeks. This is not for everyone (especially if you don’t like seeing surgical procedures) but should you be keen to see a step by step process involved in a Winograd then please click here.
  • Zadik Procedure- This procedure is used with permanent total nail removal is desired. The indications for the procedure are significant ingrowing nail on both borders, thickened and painful nails and bony growth under the nailbed. This procedure can be done under local with sedation and or under general anaesthesia at a hospital and or day surgery centre. Sutures will be applied and will be removed 14 days post surgery. You can not get your foot wet and your foot will be in a sterile bandage for 2-3 weeks. You may need pain medication post surgery. On average it will take six weeks for your nail bed area to heal. Following that you can wear most close shoes.

Matrixectomy with phenolization- This procedure involves removing the nail partially or totally and ablating (destroying) the root using a weak acid called phenol. This will cause permanent ablation of the root of the offending nail and prevent ingrown nail recurrence. This procedure is successful 95% of the time. The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes and can be performed in our rooms using local anaesthesia with or without sedation. Post operatively you will be required to soak your toe and apply a daily dressing. Wearing open toe shoes for at least 3-4 days is recommended. You maybe required to take oral antibiotics. Most patients do not require pain medication following the procedure, and if needed Panadol is sufficient for pain management. You can go back to regular shoes after one week.  This is not for everyone (especially if you don’t like seeing surgical procedures) but should you be keen to see a step by step process involved in a partial nail matrixectomy with phenolisation then please click here.