Foot Focus Podiatry

Mon - Fri : 08:30 - 5:30   |
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Minerals, like vitamins are natural elements essential for our general mental and physical health. Minerals are an intrinsic constituent of every living cell of our bodies. In the bones, teeth, muscles, soft fleshy tissues, blood and nerve cells, Minerals help maintain body processes and perform a multitude of purposes. However, the various minerals in the body are closely integrated with one another, and often one mineral deficiency will disturb and retard the functions of the other minerals. This can quite easily result in general ill health, a lack of energy and muscular and mental deterioration. Up until recently, fresh natural foods were your guarantee of receiving all necessary minerals in a balanced intake.

Unfortunately, any refinement, processing, extraction, or addition (salt, sugar, chemicals, preservatives, etc.) to food destroys the natural mineral combination. This, together with modern agricultural methods, can mean that many plants we consume may be severely lacking in essential mineral elements.

When a specific mineral deficiency is suspected, the diet may be supplemented with natural mineral food supplements. These products provide a significant support for a healthy life, if the diet is inadequate.


In the early nineteenth Century, Doctor W.H. Schuessler – noted German physiological chemist and physicist, identified 12 “tissue salts“, which he located in every human cell. These tissue salts or “Cell salts“ are vital mineral constituents of the body. They combine with organic substances in the body to produce and maintain the infinite number of tissue-cells of which the human body is composed. Thus, any cell salt deficiency or imbalance may result in illness – the symptoms varying according to the deficient “biochemic“ cell salt. Dr Schuessler found that if the body was lacking in any of these salts, loss of health occurred. However he went on to state that if the deficiency was corrected, the body could in fact, heal itself.

It is important to note that Schuessler`s Biochemic Cell Salts are NOT drugs, but valuable micro dose cell foods prepared homeopathically in an extremely subdivided form which ensures rapid and easy assimilation, for the speedy restoration of the natural balance of the body system.

Bowen Therapist Tanya Pfitzner is proud to be an authorised supplier of Schuessler`s Biochemic Cell Salts.

This information is sourced from the Institute of Biochemic Medicine.  For more detailed information on Tissue Salts see the Institiue of Biochemic Medicine website.

  • Winograd procedure- This procedure will be done in hospital setting under local and or general anaesthesia and it is reserved upon failure of the phenolization or if there is significant amount of skin overlapping the nail with soft tissue growth. This procedure involves removing a portion of the skin along with the nail down to the level of the bone. Sutures (stitches) will be applied to close the surgical site. The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes to be performed and your foot will be bandaged. You will be seen within first 5 days and then the sutures will be removed in 10-14 days. Currently this procedure can only be performed by Reza Naraghi (podiatric surgeon).  He will prescribe appropriate pain medication for your post-operative pain management. You will be in open sandal and or post op shoe for 2 weeks. This is not for everyone (especially if you don’t like seeing surgical procedures) but should you be keen to see a step by step process involved in a Winograd then please click here.
  • Zadik Procedure- This procedure is used with permanent total nail removal is desired. The indications for the procedure are significant ingrowing nail on both borders, thickened and painful nails and bony growth under the nailbed. This procedure can be done under local with sedation and or under general anaesthesia at a hospital and or day surgery centre. Sutures will be applied and will be removed 14 days post surgery. You can not get your foot wet and your foot will be in a sterile bandage for 2-3 weeks. You may need pain medication post surgery. On average it will take six weeks for your nail bed area to heal. Following that you can wear most close shoes.

Matrixectomy with phenolization- This procedure involves removing the nail partially or totally and ablating (destroying) the root using a weak acid called phenol. This will cause permanent ablation of the root of the offending nail and prevent ingrown nail recurrence. This procedure is successful 95% of the time. The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes and can be performed in our rooms using local anaesthesia with or without sedation. Post operatively you will be required to soak your toe and apply a daily dressing. Wearing open toe shoes for at least 3-4 days is recommended. You maybe required to take oral antibiotics. Most patients do not require pain medication following the procedure, and if needed Panadol is sufficient for pain management. You can go back to regular shoes after one week.  This is not for everyone (especially if you don’t like seeing surgical procedures) but should you be keen to see a step by step process involved in a partial nail matrixectomy with phenolisation then please click here.